Sunday, November 28, 2010

Help! . . An older yellow Lab has been found!!!

A couple from the Eagles Club found an older yellow Lab while walking this evening near Eagles Club on Hunt Club Drive. The dog did not have a collar. The 'good Samaritan' couple has the dog at their place and will put up some signs tomorrow.
Or, if you lost the dog, please contact Larry Delbane at (440) 639-8222.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bike Path Proposal Layouts

To see the latest correct proposals for the Lake Metroparks bike path "click" on the following link and open the "Bike Path pdf" file.

There seems to be a couple of options that don't directly impact The Hunt Club in a negative matter. Please review and stay on top of this issue.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lake Metroparks Meeting about Proposed Bike Path


Lake Metroparks is proposing to expand its bike path system in order to connect the two bike paths that currently exist in Concord. A special meeting has been called to discuss several options. The meeting details are:

Auburn Career Center
8140 Auburn Rd., Concord
November 9, 2010 . . 5:30 - 7:30 PM

A letter from Denny Crews, Special Projects Coordinator, is attached to this posting that will more fully explain what is being proposed.

Very Important – A Must Read

October 28, 2010

Hello Quail Hollow Homeowners,

I am writing to you today in regards to an impending Lake Metoparks project that may affect you as a Quail Hollow Homeowner, as early as next year. There will be an open meeting regarding this project at the Auburn Career Center, 8140 Auburn Rd., Concord Township at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

This project will connect the two bike paths that currently exist in concord. The existing bike path follows the old railroad track, from Painseville City along the east side of Painesville Ravenna Road and stops just south of the entrance to Olde Stone Court, still on the east side of Painesville Ravenna Rd. The other existing part of the bike path starts at the southeast corner of the Girdled Rd. and Rt 44 intersection and runs south, along the east side of Rt. 44 into Chardon.

While the Metoparks plan offers about 10 different options, including the continuation of the path south along the eastside of Painesville Ravenna Rd. and then west on Girdled until the connection is made at Rt. 44, I have been informed by Concord Township and Lake Metroparks that the least expensive and most preferred connection path will be through the Hunt Club. These two possibilities will be as follows.

# 1 (most preferred at the present time by the Township and Metroparks ). This connection will cross over Painesville Ravenna Road from the current end point of the path and follow the old train track path, running along the south side of Olde Stone Court. It will then parallel Hole # 3 on the Weiskopf course and emerge unto Hunting Lake Drive. The Path will proceed south paralleling Hunting Lake Drive approximately 20 ft in from the road, possibly impacting the front yards of existing homes, and continue on past the current dead end of Hunting Lake Drive. It will pass through an area designated for new homes that will be part of the Quail Hollow Development, and re-emerge somewhere along Crile Rd.

# 2 This connection will cross over Painesville Ravenna Rd. and then proceed north to Riding trail Drive. It will then proceed east paralleling Riding trail approximately 20 ft in from the road, impacting the front yards of existing homes. Upon reaching Hunting Lake
Drive, it will proceed south paralleling Hunting Lake Drive approximately 20 ft in from the road, impacting the front yards of existing homes, and continue on past the current dead end of Hunting Lake Drive. It will then pass through an area designated for new homes that will be part of the Quail Hollow Development, and re-emerge somewhere along Crile Rd.

The pike path will be approximately 10 ft wide and will be open year round.

As a board member, and Quail Hollow Homeowner, I urge each of you to consider how this may impact you and your quality of life, for good or bad and be present at this important meeting.

Attached please find a letter/notification from CT Consultants regarding the meeting.

Denny Crews
7291 Mountain Quail Place
Special Projects Coordinator
Quail Hollow Master Owners Association

Re: Lake Metroparks Greenway Corridor Bike Path Extension Project Public Meeting

The Lake Metroparks is proceeding with the planning process to connect the northern portion of the Greenway Corridor Bike Path which extends from Ravenna Road in Concord Township north to the City of Painesville with the southern portion which extends from Girdled Road in Concord Township south to the Maple Highlands Trail.

Public Involvement is an essential element to the planning process of this project. As the project sponsor, the Lake Metroparks would like to obtain input from the public before proceeding further with preliminary studies and engineering.

An open house public meeting is being held to solicit input on preliminary routes for this project. The meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2010 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Auburn Career Center, 8140 Auburn Road, Concord Township. The format is as follows:

Information Tables with personnel to answer questions .... 5:30 - 6:15 pm
Formal presentation of preliminary alternatives .......... 6:15 - 6:30
Verbal public comment ..............................................6:30 - 7:00
Information tables with personnel to answer questions..... 7:00 - 7:30

If you do not wish to publicly speak during the verbal comment period, a comment sheet will be available throughout the meeting for written comments.

William D. Baker, Jr., P.E., Project Manager

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Special Invitation for Hunt Club Residents


We are inviting all of our neighbors to this special
Open House
Quail Hollow Country Club
Monday, July 26
Enjoy a round of golf on the Weiskopf Course and we will provide a
BBQ lunch buffet on the verandah for $47 + tax.
The price includes cart, greens fee and lunch.
Club rental is available. Ask the Golf Shop when making your tee time at
Country club dress code is applicable. The course is spikeless.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Annual Homeowners Meeting

The Annual Hunt Club Homeowners Association meeting was held last Thursday at the Concord Community Center. Among the highlights was the honoring of Linda Knapp as "Volunteer of the Year" for her great work in organizing the annual community garage sale. Congratulations Linda!!

Homeowners ALERT!!

Be alert! There was an attempted break-in on a home on Covington Court a few weeks ago. Fortunately, all the doors including sliders were locked so the only damage was some window screens were tampered with. We don't have many issues like this in The Hunt Club but it always pays to err on the side of caution.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hunt Club Homeowners Annual Meeting


Hunt Club Homeowners Annual Meeting
Thursday, July 15 at 7:00 PM
Concord Community Center
7671 Auburn Road

Please join us to discuss:
. . . Past Year's Accomplishments
. . . Financial Update
. . . Hunt Club Projects
. . . Update on Property Values

Hunt Club coyote gets promoted to "fox"!

Richard Cianfaglione of Hunting Lake Drive has confirmed that coyote sitings have been premature. His picture proves it's a fox.
Richard took it one step further and contacted Dan Kramer, Wildlife Management Supervisor for Wildlife District 3 (ie. an expert). Dan responded with . . .
"The photos you provided clearly shows a red fox suffering from mange. Mange is caused by a skin mite that can be transmissible to dogs. However dogs typically are healthy and clean enough to seldom become infected. The fox itself poses no danger to anyone and may acually appear tame because of its weakened condition and need to find food. . . avoid the tempation to provide food."
Richard is now planning to get a picture of the Lochness Monster. Thanks for the photo.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Hunt Club Garage Sale

The Hunt Club garage sale is going great with over 30 residents participating. Click on the link below to see more of the action.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Announcing!!! New Hunt Club Website and Blog

Great News! We've upgraded The Hunt Club Blog (which you're reading) and added a website for The Hunt Club designed to work together to provide comprehensive communication about issues, events and activities in The Hunt Club. The website will serve primarily to provide general information and as a resource to find newsletters, community policies, decs and bylaws and so forth. The Blog will be used as a message and conversation center for quick updates, news flashes and current, ongoing information. Each site provides a link to the other for convenience. Your feedback and thoughts would be appreciated.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Satellite Dish Policy

Under the updated By-Laws and CCR's, satellite dishes are now permitted within the Hunt Club. However, there is still an approval process required and the dishes need to be installed within the approved guidelines. Please go to the Hunt Club Website for more
Concord Township Zoning (applicable to residential districts)

Hunt Club Garage Sale

Join us in our yearly Hunt Club Garage Sale June 17, 18 & 19th

Thursday & Friday 9 to 5 PM, Saturday 9 to 2 PM

You can participate all days or just Saturday. For more information and to register, call Linda Knapp directly at (440) 639-9455

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Has Not Reached The Hunt Club

Ron Gliebe, Hunt Club resident and Landscape Custodian, reports that the pond has developed an oily looking film on the surface. Ron contacted our pond maintenance people (Aqua Doc) who sent their head biologist, Mr Heath to investigate the situation. He reports that the oily film is actually Planktonic Algae which is typically resolved through Mother Nature's efforts naturally. Ron will monitor the situation to see if Mother Nature needs a hand.

P.S. President Obama will not be visiting the oily slick site.